Thursday, September 06, 2007

Shelf Tower

Something purely fun: I transformed a bunch of ABC blocks that children like to play with into a shelving unit that resembles a tower. I used some found wood, ABC blocks I bought on Ebay, glue and nails to create this artwork.

The second photo has my hand in it so you can get a sense for the size of the shelves. There are a couple of knick-knacks on the bottom shelf, and it's likely that knick-knacks are what the shelves could be used to hold.

Thanks for viewing.

Original Artwork by Steve Panella, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fabric Mandala

Fabric Mandala, approx 40 x 40 inches, Cut fabric triangles arranged on canvas according to color.

Original Artwork by Steve Panella, 2007