Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Langue Man

Langue Man, 12 x 18 in., paint and collage, 2005

As this man finds that there are no transitions, just Now..
A rememberance comes across his excited and energized body.
That language... is just a symbol.
The experience
is the energy...
the energy
of life.


Em Meyer said...

"Language is just a symbol." It was an exciting revelation for me too. The feeling comes across very well in your imagery.

I'm enjoying Santa Fe... sipping some tea at Java Joe's after rehearsal...

See you at the show!

Patrice Julien said...

Dear Steve,
would you allow me to use this great artwork in my Japanese blog because I will be writing something about death very soon...I will publish it with your name, a comment about you and a link to your virtual gallery.
I wait for your answer.

Steve said...

Thank you for your comment! Looking forward to the show. See you then.

Thank you. I appreciate your comment, and I am happy to have my art shown on your Japanese blog. So yes, you can use my artwork... but only if the comment about me reflects my most wonderful qualities! :^)

Seven said...

I believe a mute man could lead a rich life. Perhaps an unread man could lead a rich life. I would take mute over unread if forced to choose.

Patrice Julien said...

Dear Steve you only have most wonderful qualities, so nothing to worry about!; )
Thank you!

Kuan Gung said...

Very nice steve...symbols abound...

Steve said...

Seven, interesting concept. Many levels to that one. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks brother, Patrice, will you share the link with me when you have it?

Hi Kuan, Thanks for stopping by and viewing! Take care.