Monday, February 26, 2007

Aura of a Burning Heart

Aura of a Burning Heart, Paint and Ink on Paper, 30 x 18 in., 2007

I painted this piece about 3 weeks ago. It came about as an extension of other work where I envisioned the body burning down into a pile of ashes at the bottom. And rising like a phoenix, the burning heart full of vital auric energy. Circling the heart, there is a little ring of white with "abstract" text written upon it (you can't really read 99% of it), representing the loosening of language's grip on the heart.

The white paper is painted black, upon that surface is painted a white slightly raised surface, followed by the addition of color. I think it's partly this process that achieves the "glow" of the heart and aura. The rest is a nice combination of luck, skill and inspiration. Thank you to those friends who helped guide my way to this work.

You may click on the image for a much improved image.


Margie said...

Hi Steve
Your painting is just so incredibe!
How I wish I had the artistic ability to paint.
You are truly gifted!!!
Thank you for sharing your gift with us here!

Lynilu said...

I really like that. The symbolism is magnificent! When I begin painting (soon, I hope) I will be happy if I can make a recognizable landscape! Your work is so much more. Thanks, Steve.

abcd said...

More than just an outstanding painting, you let your imagination runs wild - 'and rising like a phoenix', I especially like this part.

Steve said...

Hi Margie,
It's my pleasure to share my art with you. I'm glad you stopped by.

Hi Lyn,
Good luck on your painting and thank you for the compliment.

Pink Ginger,
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed and I appreciate your sharing.

abcd said...

really love your painting.
what did you do with your painting? for exhibitions or art gallery?

Patrice Julien said...

You got it!

Steve said...

Pink Ginger,
Thank you and thanks for your question... right now I am hoping to either sell it or show it in an appropriate place (gallery, online, art show). But actually it is still in my art studio! :^D
Glad you visited again!

Steve said...

Thank you Brother Patrice! :^) Always glad to share with you.

Em Meyer said...

It's brilliant.

Steve said...

Thanks Eileen, the feeling is mutual.

I am so excited to have 10 comments on one post.. even if half of them are mine! :^D

Margie said...

Just stopping in to wish you a wonderful weekend Steve!
Thanks for the visit yesterday.
It makes me glad to know you like my poetry!
I love all your art! do you like living in New Mexico?...I loved my visit there a few years ago
Take care!

Kuan Gung said...

Vey inspiring Steve...this is quite a piece of visual energy, that expresses so much. You have quite the hand for refelecting some incredible energy...very, very nice. Thank you

abcd said...

Steve, one day everyone will see your painting in the gallery and art show.
keep going, you have all my support.

abcd said...

'Steve' leave a comment in my blog about Chinese superstitions. Was that you? Am not able to access to your blog when I click on your name.

Steve said...

Hi Margie. Thank you for visiting again. New Mexico is a wonderland.. intensely energetic and I've had a magnificent ride since I've been here. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?

Hey Kuan, I appreciate your words my friend. Your comment has made me feel very good. I am very thankful for the creation that comes out of me, especially when it touches people deeply. Thank you.

Hi Pink Ginger,
Thank you for your compliments. And I'm thankful for your support and very glad you enjoy my work. Yes, it was me who left the comment.. I don't know why my name isn't linked to my blog anymore.. ? maybe it will magically repair itself. :^D

Margie said...

Hi Steve
I would love to be included in your family and friend art mailing list...I am away on a ski trip this weekend, and when I get back I will email you!
Glad to know you are loving it there in New Mexico!
I'm doing great....thank you!
Gosh, I was just looking at my blog, I've has a lot of comments on my last poem....
I guess my poem was liked, but more
people need to come here and see your wonderful blog!
They really do!
See you later Steve!
Take good care!

Steve said...

Hey Margie,
Yeah, you have so much wonderful poetry on your blog, that's for sure!
And thank you for the compliment, I hope to share my art will all people.. and all are welcome here. Have fun on your ski trip, talk to you later.